Friday, August 21, 2020

What is World Entrepreneurs' Day

As August and summer slowly start to fade August 21st brings us World Entrepreneurs' Day.

In the past whenever I have mentioned World Entrepreneurs' Day to someone on social media - the response was "what is that" or "I didn't even know that existed" ... but it does!

It may not seem like much to some, but when you really think about it, every company, every business, mom and pop shop on main street - are ALL Entrepreneurs!   Each had a vision of something that they wanted to share with the world to make a difference in other people's lives.

I did this short youtube video just to bring awareness to what Entrepreneurs' day is all about.

Odds are that store you stopped at on the way home was put there by an entrepreneur.  Even if the store was part of a massive chain, one person came up with that idea.  

The Elon Musk's and Bill Gates' of the world all had an idea ... a vision ... a way that they wanted to share their dreams and visions with the world and make it a better place for those around them.

So they made a commitment to themselves to do whatever it took to make an impact on the world around them.  

I'm sure most started out with the idea of just becoming wealthy doing it - and there is nothing wrong with that.  

Although I can attest to my own journey from entrepreneur to business owner ... it changes.  Your path opens up different opportunities and ideas that shift your end result.  My initial intention was to provide a better life for my family and two sons.  To be able to earn consistently online so that I would never have to depend on 'working for someone else' in order to survive.

But what I realized very quickly was - there is a lot of crap out there that make people broke before they even earn a dime.  The gurus pushing their high end packages that frankly are filled with a ton of information (some of which is garbage)  no one could possibly learn and implement themselves without spending 3 to 5 years to accomplish and put into action. 

So my journey and ultimate intentions shifted.  When I started Worksmarter4u I believed that sharing the right types of Business Educational programs was the way to go.  Education is still the right path, but it's not just about which program to recommend. 

If I cannot help entrepreneurs or give business owners the results they are looking for ...there is a gap somewhere.  Either the information is too much, too complex or perhaps the desire is not there OR the fear of breaking from their comfort zone overrides their dreams of making an impact in the world.

Filling the void between the disconnect and meeting in the middle is where the answer lies.

With recent family health issues, my focus has been shifted to help out more with family.  And isn't that part of my original goal 'to provide a better life for my family and two sons'.  It made me realize that in order to provide long term success for my 'new entrepreneurs' and existing customers, I would need more detail specific programs in place.

An Entrepreneurs life is not easy - regardless of what one may say.  The time and effort behind the scenes often goes unnoticed.

But you know what ... when your vision and passion is stronger than the trials and tribulations you go through to bring about a new future, it is well worth it.

And that is what World Entrepreneurs' Day is all about ... A recognition - a way of acknowledging the fact that the store you walked into today, the online store you ordered from, or the blog that you are reading, or youtuber you watch, came from someone who had a vision and a passion to share their dreams with the world. 

And to this I am thankful for, as it was an entrepreneur that set my dominoes in motion to create Worksmarter4u and ultimately Worksmarter4yourfuture. 

Will you be the next Elon Musk of Bill Gates - you will never know unless you try.  

If you have a vision, a dream, a desire you already have what it takes to be honored next year ...when August 21st rolls around ... I will be acknowledging you along with all the others in the world and myself, for making the world around you a better place.

Happy World Entrepreneurs' Day!

As always my very best to you for success in business and in life!

Kind regards


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