Thursday, October 29, 2020

Marketing Strategies to Dominate Any Market Online

Marketing Strategies to dominate any market online.

Every marketing campaign should incorporate specific strategies to optimize my your ROI.

Short video shares information on a business educational program that gives you in-depth

training on maximizing every marketing campaign or promotion your business runs.

Marketing Strategies to Dominate Any Market Online shares 4 Critical Keys in an in-depth article that details a marketing stratgey that can be implemented by anyone (business owner, Entrepreneur, blogger, etc.) regardless of niche, product or service you may be offering.  With the 4th quarter under way, now is an excellent opportunity to start your year end campaigns.  This in-depth article and specific strategy refers to Black Friday and the Holiday Season, however it can be implemented at any time throughout the year.  

The product referred to in the video (Internet Traffic Mastery) teaches this strategy as well as many other strategies in Internet Marketing Academy   IMA shares an in-depth Business/College level training on traffic generation, marketing strategies and top-level sales and advertising techniques.

From my very first post here on "Entrepreneur Dreams And Goals (the 30 Day Challenge for Success)" I've strived to provide Entrepreneurs and Business owners with insight, ideas and training options to help you grow your business online.  

Internet Traffic Academy is one of the educational programs that I invested in to help grow my business online.   I will never recommend a product or service that I personally have not used or feel will not benefit you - the end user.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or comments, as well as share this post with others you feel may benefit from it.

As always my best to you for continued success and happiness in business and in life.

To contact Worksmarter4yourfuture direct or become a VIP subscriber (Contact us)

Friday, October 16, 2020

Webtalk The Top Ten Facts You Need To Know


Webtalk is the fastest growing social media platform that pays you to be social!

The top ten facts you need to know will familiarize you with Webtalk, the platform that has a goal of ranking in the top 3 social media sites worldwide with Facebook and LinkedIn.  Setting a new standard in what social media should be and mean to it's users.

In order to exceed expectations for social media users worldwide, Webtalk had to be different, had to raise the bar and offer features familiar to users, to help them make the transition, but at the same time unique and in line with the new gig economy.

"On a mission to create one million millionaires" is an unheard of, precedent setting commitment Webtalk is making to it's founding members*.  (see facts 6, 7 and 8 below for more information)

When RJ Garbowicz (CEO of Webtalk) started his decade long journey back in 2010, he wanted to create a platform that rewarded it's users for the content they created while providing them with a platform that would allow users to control their own news feed while deciding who could see what information they were sharing. 

This post will cover the top 10 facts for those that are not aware of Webtalk and what newcomers should expect when creating their Free account.

Create your Free Account today.

1. Webtalk was built for everyone who is already using multiple social media networks both professionally and personally to consolidate and syndicate all networking in one place seamlessly.  Allowing users to maximize the value of their relationships and time spent online.

2.  Webtalk is the world's first all in one networking platform with integrated patent-pending contact management technology built to power the Gig economy.  Their end goal is to provide every member with the world's first peer to peer recommendation search engine.  Allowing users to search anything and the top rated and recommended results from people they know and trust will appear first.

3.  Webtalk designed the platform simple enough for the average networking user to get started fast, yet sophisticated enough to handle the relationship management needs of master networkers (sales reps, recruiters, entrepreneurs, freelancers, investment brokers, business development representatives, contractors, real estate agents, travel agents and more)

4.  Over $10 million has been invested into their technology to help the world and it's users manage and grow their relationships better to help them create more success.

5.  Webtalk is publicly Beta testing all technologies on all devices (web, mobile web, Android and iOS) prior to officially launching with the goal of creating a lot of media hype around the official launch as the FIRST networking startup to launch on all devices.

6.  Webtalk is sharing up to 50% of all ad revenue generated by advertising and subscription and ALL FUTURE REVENUE for life with the first 1 million PRO customers (and for the members who refer PRO customers)  through the Webtalk Rewards Program.  A way to help crowdfund the company and show it's appreciation for it's users support and business.  Simply put Webtalk pays you to be social!

7.  Webtalk PRO subscriptions start at only $8.33 per month (which is $3 per month less than the cost of "Ad-Free YouTube") with the same ad-free service plus more premium features like seeing the people who viewed your profile, premium messaging, spotlight posts, more connections, business contact management, advanced search options and more features releasing soon.

8.  Webtalk PRO annual prepayment packages are 50% OFF FOR LIFE if you upgrade within your first 30 days of joining Webtalk.  This offer is extremely limited and is ending with the official launch of Webtalk.

9.  The PRO upgrade purchase isn't just giving users valuable premium features and an opportunity of a lifetime to be their partner and share in up to 50% of their revenue for life, but the other 50% of the revenue gets invested into new technologies.  By showing sales growth they are able to attract new investors who give more money to invest into new Free technologies for it's users.  (Investing in a PRO plan is ultimately an investment into your own future on a platform that pays you to use).

10.  Webtalk allows you to upgrade FREE and receive a 7 day free trial of all PRO Features AND earn the *Rewards bonus earning 10% of all current and future advertising, subscription, marketplace, talent solutions, and travel service revenue generated through 5 levels of referrals every month for as long as you remain a customer.  (*Reward members must acquire and retain 1 PRO customer to earn the 5-level rewards bonus every month.  Your own Webtalk upgrade to a PRO account qualifies for the 1-sale requirement.  No purchase is required to earn the 5-level bonus.  Free Rewards Program enrollment is required to earn monthly cash rewards.  See official rewards program rules when creating your free account.)

The opportunity to be a founding PRO member and lock in a lifetime of passive income for what you are already doing on social media for your personal or business priceless.  Imagine if Facebook offered you the "Webtalk opportunity" when they first started out - you would be reading this while living an extremely comfortable life with no worries of how to earn a living.

With over 6 million active users currently on Webtalk, the opportunity of a lifetime awaits.

To learn more, and be a part of this precedent setting platform visit Webtalk. An introduction video will get you started on the social media and business platform of the future and allow you to access today!

All users are able to create a free account and enjoy the benefits, however for the first 1 million pro and pro platinum members the benefits, will extend through 5 levels deep of referrals.

Establishing your presence now as an everyday social media user or business, will pay dividends when Webtalk launches publicly in the coming month!

"The Time Is Now ... to Worksmarter4yourfuture!"

As always my best to you for your search for success and happiness in business and in life!

Kind regards

Rick Fronek

CEO Worksmarter4u /