Friday, October 7, 2022

What is Trending Now in Digital Marketing

What is Trending Now shares the latest Trend in Digital Marketing that can change your life and the business owner you share it with. One small device is helping business owners stream quality content and their own digital signage to customers at their business. iHub global is helping spread the word on this device that is helping business owners across the United States take control of what content is streamed for their customers and patients. This simple plug and play device allows business owners to stream 'high quality' engaging content while having the ability to feature and advertise their own products and services at the same time. For restaurant owners, bars, doctor offices and anywhere a business streams content for entertaining their clients - this device is changing the face of digital marketing. 100% Free to the business owner to use with no contracts or commitments. A true win--win situation for businesses and the affiliates that share the opportunity with them. The attached video shares the details on what this device can do and how business owners can benefit with this latest trending technology. Currently the device is only available for business owners who are open to the public in the United States. Future plans for expansion to other countries is happening now ... stay tuned. iHub Global allows you to create a free affiliate account, learn about the device and become eligible to share with businesses. Business owners can request a free player for each of their business tv screens thus multiplying the benefits of the digital advertising as well as the reward points earned all at no cost. The future of Digital Advertising for businesses is here! As always my very best to you for continued success and happiness in business and in life! ~ Rick