Tuesday, June 18, 2019

How To Use Sales Funnels To Grow Your Business Fast - The Top 15 ways!

How to use sales funnels to grow your business fast-the TOP 15 ways

If you are marketing any type of product or service online the use of sales funnels will be a critcal part to your success.

Regardless of the product or service you sell or niche that you are in, this Free 4-day Summit will benefit your online presence and inspire you to take a new approach to your marketing strategy!

Follow along as 15 of the top ClickFunnels two comma club winners share their step by step blueprint in how they would create, grow and scale their business if they had to start over from scratch!

From social media, podcasts, youtube videos, youtube channels, brick and mortar stores, consultancy services and more-the strategies shared in this summit can be modeled to fit your business.

This free 4 day summit shares 3 to 4 interviews per day covering various niches & strategies. Day 1 includes a bonus video from ClickFunnels CEO Russell Brunson and how he would create a funnel that would separate himself from the masses-creating his own 'blue ocean' of prospects.

If you have never used sales funnels, are using but not seeing results, or you are an Entrepreneur looking to get into affiliate marketing - this event will give you the insight and stratagies you need!

You can register for this 4 Day Free Affiliate Bootcamp Summit and get instant access to day one!  Day one is available for 48 hours and then it closes and day 2 is unlocked.  Day 2 through 4 are only available for 24 hours each.

This summit WILL change the way you market your business if you apply the strategies that are shared!

As an added bonus when you register for the event you will have the opportunity to register for the 'One Funnel Away Challenge'.  This is not required to access the 15 summit interviews but an added bonus if you need assistance in working with sales funnels.  

For more ideas on how to grow and scale your business online visit Worksmarter4yourfuture.com 

To create a free 14 day trial click funnels account
Expert Secrets Free Book (just pay S/H)
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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

My Journey Through The Success Challenge - Session 4

Entrepreneur Dreams And Goals The 30 Day Challenge For Success Session 4. The Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge is a 30 Day Video tutorial guided program that teaches entrepreneurs how to create a business online from scratch. How to start a business online. Worksmarter4yourfuture-Worksmater4u-Richard Fronek
Follow along and learn how to create a Successful Affiliate
Marketing Business From Scratch in 30 days!
Session 4

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Level 1 Session 4 - Setting ourselves up for Massive Domination, Massive Results and Maximum Effectiveness!

Day 4 of the 30 day program that teaches Entrepreneurs how to create a successful business online that can generate 10K or more per month in sales selling "other people's products"

The journey to success continues.  Since my last post for Session 3, life's way of throwing it's own challenges towards me has slowed my pursuit of my dreams and goals with the 'Success Challenge'.

The journey is not always a smooth one especially when you are a single parent. In addition to tax time and business related issues, I went through some very difficult personal times. In April my very close Uncle passed away, and then 5 weeks later my Mom passed away very suddenly ... she was an incredible inspiration to me and also a big portion of my "why" for doing the challenge.

Though keep in mind, this is one of the added benefits of the Success Challenge and the education that it does bring to us as Entrepreneurs and business owners - you can work at your own pace, and watch and review the material as often and as many times as you would like.  (I don't know of any Colleges or trade schools giving you that option to "pause" the course or training ...when life challenges you)

Session 4 Introduction

As the 'success pill' comes rolling across the screen with it's catchy music playing, it is easy to get excited about 
what is in store for me today!

Vick comes on with a big smile saying "Welcome back to Session 4 - I am 'pumped' to be back with you here again! I hope that you are as pumped as I am!"

The topics covered in Session 4 include the following:
General Overview
Napoleon Hill
Let's talk about Money
What's available in the Marketplace
The 4% eco-system 
A special offer 

Vick jumps into the overview explaining how today I will be learning what he looks for in a product, how to select a product and what industries to look into.

"We are going to prepare ourselves for running some campaigns. We will be setting ourselves up for massive domination, for maximum results and for maximum effectiveness!"  The confidence Vick exudes is reassuring helping me know that I am in the right place.   

Vick continues explaining before we start making money we have to determine which products to promote and what 'Money' really is!   "Hold on to my hand and do what I do ...you will follow a path and will not get lost!"  Assuring me that he will help me 'tap into my GREATNESS'!

The importance of your goal card is once again discussed but taken to the next level.

"Connecting Emotionally" with your goals (what you have written down on your goal card).  - You want to connect emotionally by not only feeling, but thinking about what you will do when you achieve your goals.  How you will talk, what you will eat, what will the environment be around you when you reach your goals.  Being specific in your mind is important.

This is all part of the message Vick, along with a lot of other great mentors, shares about the visualization process of "Seeing in your mind before achieving the result

As the intro ends - Vick prefaces step 1 as a 'personal growth message'.  This will help you open the mental gates to be receptive towards ideas to help you reach your goals faster.  

The first official step in Session 4 is listening to "The Napoleon Hill Story".  Being encouraged to listen to with an open mind and open heart.  The story delivers a powerful message about how the power of being decisive and being able to spot opportunities can impact you as an Entrepreneur.

Per Vicks instructions I proceed to review my goal card before listening to the Napoleon Hill story.  For me - this includes writing down specific detailed thoughts of how my live WILL BE when I achieve the Goals I have laid out for myself.

Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge Session 4 Day 4, Worksmarter4yourfuture blog, Worksmarter4u, Richard Fronek
Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
Session 4

Action Step 1:  The Napoleon Hill Story 

This portion of the Success Challenge Session 4 - is a 20 minute recording.  A recording that some might take lightly and not 'really' listen to because it was something recorded a long time ago.  However - for me - Napoleon Hill and Think And Grow Rich - has changed millions of lives, so I will take notes as I listen.

I will point out some of the profound points of this recording:

- No one ever rises above mediocrity without using the minds of other people (sometimes with other people's money too)
- Isn't it strange that when you put a new unusual opportunity before a person, the chances are 1000 to one the mind will put a "no can do it attitude towards it" (the negative side)
- The journey will be long. Don't give in to the temptation to quit!
- Look at yourself in the mirror - you are not going to be able to do it until you BELIEVE it!
- Believe it and change your mental attitude!

Action Step 2:  Let's Talk About Money 

Vick starts this step with words of encouragement and positive reinforcement that I will be going from "I don't think I can do it - to IT's POSSIBLE!"  Asking me to repeat after him with conviction "It's Possible!"  

Like many new endeavors an entrepreneur may start, confidence or lack there of typically determines the outcome.

He encourages me to have the target of earning at least 10K per month.  The difference between a one dollar bill and a 100 Dollar bill is the message on the paper and the value we give it.  

Going into a deeper explanation Vick points out that MONEY is an Idea. 

Idea's are Energy which leads into the "Laws of Money" & the Law of Compensation.  A topic which needs to be understood in order to achieve the results one is looking for.

The Laws of Compensation:
-The need for what I do
-My Ability to deliver and fulfill that need
-How difficult will it be to replace me

You don't need to create a product that fulfills a need - but find the 'need' in the market place - something that already has a high demand!  Align yourself (myself) with that need which leads to my "ability" to fulfill it!

The bigger the problem that needs solving in the market place the better chance there is for me to provide a solution ... thus becoming difficult to replace.

This however will be determined by my ability to learn the products, implement and show the value of what I am marketing.   

By expanding my awareness I will elevate my frequency of thinking.  When I operate on this frequency that governs the laws of compensation I will be able to build, brainstorm and develop a game plan on how to achieve massive success.

Again at this moment in the session - Vick utilizes his experience and gift of being a mentor.  "Never ever settle for average!  If you are a 'True' four-percenter you are not average - don't allow yourself to settle for anything that is average! No mediocre!  You are an Entrepreneur on a mission to become Great!  You are "destined" for greatness as long as you do not deviate from that path!"

"Deliberately tune out everything that does not resemble greatness! ...Never fall back into just being 'good enough'!  Invest everything that you have into yourself to make yourself great into fulfilling the need.

Side note:  At this point the sincerity and the genuineness of Vick in how he truly wants me to be successful is jumping off the monitor at me.  So many programs and 'great opportunities' that I had tried in the past and not one had someone tell me like it is!  I would hear "all you have to do is this" - which resulted in lack of sustained success or no results at all.

Product selection criteria:  

As an Affiliate Entrepreneur I need to align myself with a company that is making a giant impact in a booming industry in which I will be able to fill a void where there is a need for the product I am promoting. 

If what I am promoting fits into those three categories - I have a gem to work with!

At this point Vick leads into his thought process of how I should approach reaching my goal of 10K per month.  The key here is having MSI's (multiple sources or streams of Income) set up in place.  With key components already in place with the product I am offering, the indirect passive income will help achieve my target a lot quicker!

When you set yourself up correctly - you can earn more money while you are sleeping than you can spend while you are awake.  This gives you the freedom to earn an income from multiple sources for the same amount of work.

All this falls into the awareness to operate on a different frequency.  Rich people do the same type of work as 'broke' people but operate on this different frequency (with awareness) which attracts their wealth quicker.

"It's not about doing 'things' but doing certain things in a certain way that makes all the difference!"  That is why having multiple streams of income is important when deciding which products you will be promoting.

"I'm going to give you the education you need to give you the results you are looking for."

Action Step 3:  The Marketplace - What's Available

When you are looking at what is available in the 'Marketplace' keep the product selection criteria in mind (Industry, Company, Product).

"My goal is to make you a dynamic marketer".  

Vick proceeds to break down 3 major markets that entrepreneurs just starting out tend to focus on.  Each area has somewhat positive results to attain, but not ones that produce the long-term results people are looking to achieve.  Vick also points out that you want to leverage your multiple streams of income and not operate like the 'masses' do.  Operating differently so that you can control your income streams an operate as a business not just an affiliate.

Sharing this information will give you an overview of the types of options there are, not necessarily the one's that he would recommend. 

Affiliate Marketplace:  Creating an affiliate account with most company's is easy.  You create your account and receive your affiliate link along with certain promotional tools to use.  

You advertise and run traffic to a specific offer and receive a commission.  However this is a 'one and done' scenario.  The customer buys and you are paid a commission. However it is the company that benefits more by retargeting these customers with upsales and future transactions all of which you receive no commission for.

Some of the great affiliate marketplace companies mentioned are Clickbank, Clicksure, JVZoo, Amazon and Udimy.  

This is not a bad option to choose from but it will not create the long-term financial stability you need.  

Network Marketing (MLM):  This option is what often people look at as a pyramid.  Applying the success challenge training to a Network Marketing offer can be achieved, however - (Vick stresses this point) make sure it is "product driven sales" NOT just a compensation plan.

A lot of entrepreneurs are attracted to network marketing for the benefits of the compensation plan in their downline.  The company's product should not become secondary. Don't lead with the compensation plan as the benefit of the company, instead lead with the value that the product delivers.

If you can't sell the product by itself - you do not want to promote that company.  This leads into the third 

BizOpps:  A closed loop business plan where you are only promoting the 'pipe dream' which is the compensation plan.  You recruit people to recruit people.  Everything is driven by the potential of what money you can earn just by having people sign up.

Vick gives a very good point here.  The test here is - do they have a stand alone product to promote that you can earn an income from?

The majority of BizOpps have people buying into the concept of money making. They do not have a viable product and this is what leads to "trouble" down the road with regulatory commissions shutting them down.  They simply do not have a product to promote.  Vick stresses to be careful if you are involved with any of these companies.

When promoting and building your business as an affiliate you are looking for stability.  Vick shares his points for money criteria that you want to integrate into your strategy:
Fast money

Residual money
Multiple streams of income
Solid money
Enjoyable money - brings you joy personally from promoting.  You have a sense of fulfillment because the product makes a difference in other people's lives.  
Long-term money
Scalable money

Finding a company that delivers all of this criteria is not easy to find.  

You want to work with the laws that govern compensation.  At this point Vick shares why he created the Four Percent.  He has taken his 14+ years of accumulated information - the knowledge, experiences (good and bad) the mistakes he's made and decided to create a company that filters out all of the bad qualities and puts a focus on the good ones. A company that takes into consideration all of the criterias necessary that governs the laws of success, wealth, prosperity and happiness.

A product centric and customer centric company.  Building a central hub for entrepreneurs, business owners, insurance agents, doctors, chiropractors, real eastate agents, anyone from different types of industries that can come to one place to gain the knowledge to become the best in their industry. 

A place that will give them the educational products that they need in their field.  The resources to help them grow their business (no matter what industry) by helping them build their business around systems and strategies that will take their business to the next level.  With a long-term vision to eventually be able to offer these services to companies that do not have time to focus on their own marketing.

Action Step 4:  The Four Percent Eco-System 

In this step Vick does a breakdown of the Four Percent eco-system.  The Four Percent has aligned themselves with companies in the industry that have a high demand for their products. 

My goal is to go from $0 in sales to $10K in sales per month.  After achieving that goal the next stepping stone is scaling that 10K per month into 100K per month.

The information, training, and awareness shared in the success challenge can be used (modelled) and applied to any type of business or affiliate product I choose to promote.  

In this step Vick is using the Four Percent and the success challenge as an example.  Again keeping in mind the laws that govern compensation - the need for what I do, the ability to fulfill that need, and how difficult will it be to replace me.

The Four Percent coves the three aforementioned product selection criterias (Industry, Company and Product).
It provides the education and products needed in a booming industry (business education, adult education) with a company that is solid that has long term stability.

There is a tremendous need for the education shared in the success challenge. It teaches how to be successful online and how to utilize this information to build myself and my own business online.

Vick stress that when you are creating your plan to reach 10K per month - you want to overshoot that goal. Don't underestimate your efforts.  

Every company regardless of what niche needs 3 basic tools to operate online:  Auto-responder, Funnel Builder (ClickFunnels) and a type of Tracking Software (ClickMagick). 

Utilizing these 3 tools alone will allow me as an affiliate of each company to receive commissions for every transaction for the life of that customer.  I will be utilizing these tools anyways, so as part of the multiple streams of income, they will allow me to earn passive income without having to do any additional marketing for them. (Although from personal experience I would recommend promoting some of these companies).

Vick points out that he will never recommend a business tool or resource that is not relevant at the time in the training.  He will only recommend core products (basic tools) that are necessary to build my business.

A scenario is provided of what the potential could be if I were able to attract 5 customers per day and a total of 150 per month. Based on the necessary tools required for someone to start their business, coupled with the potential for commissions on tools, resources and training available ...the monthly sales exceeds the 10K I am aiming for. 

Through the eco-system any person who creates an account - free or paid - is hard coded to me.  As long as their account remains in good standing, any products or resources purchased by them in the future will be credited to me.  "Even free members have a future potential of earning you an income". So even if it takes 1 or 2 years for them to purchase a product in the back office, I will still receive a commission if they created their account through my link.

Vick describes how the upcoming training will teach how to drive traffic to my landing page which will start building my list.  Your business 'list' is your most valuable asset as a business owner.

We will be marketing to our list on different products, create multiple sales funnels, and create my own mini ecosystem with my list and the use of my website.  

By working smarter now it will help me position myself for Maximum effectiveness and results! 

Remember - "you are not just selling products, but changing lives!  As difficult as it may seem - just follow the path!"

Below this step of the challenge is a link that will take you to a page that has the current companies that you can create an affiliate account with (At the time of my blog there are currently 15 companies listed).  Some of the companies you will need to run your business.  The others have opportunities to create a free account so that you can become an affiliate with them.

Advanced Affiliate Marketing Masterclass How To Build A Highly Successful Affiliate Marketing Business Step By Step Click Here To Register Today-Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge-Worksmarter4yourfuture blog-Worksmarter4u-Richard Fronek

Action Step 5:  Special Opportunity - The Hidden Gem

In this step I was presented with a very unique opportunity to become an ambassador with a company that the Four Percent aligns with.  Vick does an interview with the president of this company live.   Due to confidentiallity reasons, my respect for Vick, and the president of the company he is speaking with - I cannot go into detail about this opportunity.  

I will say that the opportunity is "Exclusive" to members going through the Success Challenge Only.

It is not mandatory to align with this company, however this company itself is making great strides in the industry.  If you venture into the challenge you can make your decision based on your current situation!

Action Step 6:  Final Thoughts

Vick comes on pumped and excited about the opportunity shared in step 5.  For his own personal business that he is building along side of me - he is definitely going to take advantage of the opportunity.  

As Vick closes out this session, he reminds me to make sure that all of my MSI's are taken care of in the back office.  There is a special section for Success Challenge members to fill in their affiliate links for each MSI.

As this step comes to a close Vick reassures me that even though all of this information may seem 'heavy' and like a lot of information, once I have everything set up and into place, everything will flow when we start running traffic! 

"I look forward to seeing you in Session 5!"

Action Step 7:  Session Completion

Here again, be sure to check this box and make sure the timer in the upper right corner starts the countdown.

The Journey continues ...Session 5 coming soon!

As always, My best to you and your search for success and happiness in life!
CEO of Worksmarter4u / Worksmarter4ourfuture.com

To Find out More Information About the Success Challenge you can register for a Free Webinar right here: The Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge

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To view previous "My Journey Through The Success Challenge" Blog Posts starting with Session 1