Thursday, January 24, 2019

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Session 1

Entrepreneur Dreams And Goals The 30 Day Challenge For Success A program that teaches Entrerpreneurs how to create a successful business online from scratch as an affiliate marketer.  The Success Challenge is an Affiliate marketing program that teaches how to generate 10K per month selling other peoples products.Worksmarter4yourfuture.Worksmarter4u
Follow along and learn how to create a Successful Affiliate
Marketing Business From Scratch in 30 days!

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Level 1 Session 1 the beginning!

Follow me through the 30 day program that teaches Entrepreneurs how to create a successful business online that can generate 10K or more per month in sales "selling other people's products".

I'm excited, I'm pumped and ready to change my life and the future of my sons and family!

It's a brand new day - a brand new opportunity to finally make a commitment to myself to create the success I have always dreamed of and know that I deserve!

Each day of the 30 day program I will share my side of the journey with you! Are you willing to follow me on this journey?  Did you see this offer somewhere and think it wasn't for you?  Well I will share with you my insight and take you on a journey of what it takes to create the 'good life' you hear so many gurus talking about.

I invested my monthly fee* for the Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge and had the option to lock in a lifetime member price, but to share this journey with you I thought I would check it out first!  I can always upgrade later, even if it is a little more, if the training is right and I see eye to eye with the Four Percent it should be a no-brainer right?

*note:  the charter member starting price of $49 a month is no longer available.  However the education and step-by-step training still outweighs the cost regardless of the current price.*

After logging into the back office.  I took a look around at all of the other opportunities and training sessions available.   Very impressive! Quite an array of Free programs as well as some paid ones as well.  Have to check out more of them later.

I'm logged in - click on the challenge and My New Mentor Vick Strizheus is standing in front of me smiling away.  After watching the intro and finding out about the metaphorical "success pill" - I get excited ready to dive into the Session 1 training.  I am fired up - honestly excited like the first time I went out on a date with the girl of my dreams! Not knowing what to expect but excited because I know this is going to be the ONE that changes it all for me!

I made that commitment to myself that I was going to go all in and give this all I had or die trying to make it work ...

drum roll please ... I click on the intro video and the Four Percent success pill comes rolling across the screen with a catchy background music playing - it is catchy and upbeat and got me excited!
Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge Session 1.  Starting your new business online as an Entrepreneur. The steps to creating a successful online business as an Affiliate Marketer. Mindset, Inspiration, Success Tips and how to start today. Worksmarter4yourfuture.Worksmarter4u
The Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
Session 1 The Beginning

"Welcome to the Four Percent Success Challenge for Affiliate Marketing! My name is Vick Strizheus and I am so happy that you are here! I'm pumped and excited that you are here because I know what you are about to get into, how powerful this program is and what it can do for you if you follow it to a 'T'! I can promise you that this program can CHANGE YOUR LIFE!"

The energy and enthusiasm that comes across is powerful! My new Mentor Vick is a 30 something man that has a lot of energy and likeable charisma.  He spends a few minutes discussing his background and how he himself went from absolutely nothing to having a mentor and going from a 'crappy one bedroom apartment' to making millions online selling other people's products.  Why he created the Four Percent group and how he wants to teach what he has learned from his past 14+ years to me and make me the next great success story!

I found myself excited and smiling while watching the little over 1 hour introduction video that laid the guidelines for Level 1 of the challenge.

A very quick general overview of what level 1 covers:
Activate your inner success mechanism
Strategic Product selection
Strategic & Unique positioning in the marketplace
Messaging (unique message)
Core skill sets in Marketing
Multi-Channel prospect acquisition
Customer Acquisition
Creating multiple streams of income (MSI's)
Development of your central hub (website)

As he asks me "Can you commit to your success? Can you commit to doing whatever it takes?" I found myself saying 'yes' out loud.

In the introduction video the strategy for achieving the 10K a month in sales is reviewed and what I will need to do in order to achieve it.  Most importantly what is re-iterated throughout is the IMPORTANCE of being 100% committed and dedicated to following every step.

There is a pattern for success - following specific steps in order.
There is a pattern for failure - watch what you only want to watch.
FOCUS on the program and unsubscribe from every distraction!

Having a mentor shows me why it is important to listen and do everything that your mentor tells you to do. I am here because of the opportunities I have tried in the past didn't work out, they weren't based on a solid foundation or they were one and done opportunities.  So why would I start a program to learn how to build a business and become successful and not listen and do what I was told?

"My job is to help you build your independence, so you can call your shots and help you develop yourself that will make you unconciously competent for Success! How to Compound your efforts into smartwork that will transform your life and allow you to live the life you have always dreamed of!"

Thinking about Vick as my mentor or your mentor.  A mentor like any teacher wants their student to succeed - right?  Their success is based on how well they can teach their student.  If the student succeeds -then they have achieved their goal.  So if Vick teaches me everything that he knows about how to do affiliate marketing the right way and I follow each step specifically - the end result (10K in sales per month) should be achieved!

An important fact shared during the intro video that I want to share with you is Rule #1 for your success:  Your income follows your personal growth and value!  Your success will be dependent on
A-Need for what you do
B-Ability to do it
C-How difficult will it be to replace you
Keep your focus on the activities that produce the most results.

Paradigm shift is a critical component to being successful not just in marketing but in life.  We are all pre-conditioned based on what we have been exposed to our entire life.  In each daily session the challenge "will focus on 'busting' our current paradigm and change our thermostat when it comes to money and to success".

Mark my words "The only way you will not succeed with this program is if you quit or you do not follow the steps" - Powerful words spoke with conviction by Vick.

"Go through like your life depended on it! Convenience and Greatness Do not Mix!" Are two phrases Vick mentioned that keep repeating themselves over in my head.

The intro video ends with Vick sharing these inspiring words "It's about you, lets help you get yourself on solid ground! You owe it to yourself, your kids, your family, your loved ones to be successful ...Success is Your Responsibility - Let's make it happen my friend!"

Action Step 1 is a simple step.  Completing your profile and getting sms connnected.

Action Step 2 is completing a one minute anonymous survey.  A before and after type survey to see where you currently are at in business or your personal endeavors.   Down the road at the end of level 1 will be another survey.

Action Step 3 'Activating Your Inner Success' - listening to an audio recording that changed Vick's life.  There is a short 15 minute video from Vick explaining the importance of why he recommends specific things for us to listen to.  How everything he shares will impact our future and outcome with the challenge. When you listen to the recording "The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale keep an open heart and mind.

This recording and everything that Vick shares will start changing your paradigm and help you start understanding the laws that govern money.  "There are laws that govern everything, however very few people understand them". 

Action Step 4 Create Your Personal Goal Card -  In this 25 minute step - Vick discusses the importance of making it a habit to listen and grow yourself daily.  'We are conditioned and programmed by our environment.  What goes into your subconcious mind needs to be positive and inspirational. This will help you hae a clear focus and give you a clear direction of where you want to go!

The 3 levels of goals
1.  Know  (my present situation)
2.  Think (what I think I can do)
3.  Fantasy (what do I REALLY want)

Vick shares a downloadable goal card that you can use and have professionally laminated so that you can carry it around with you and look at it the moment you wake up, several times throughout the day, and the last thing you look at before you go to sleep.

It will help you create an emonitonal connection with your Goal.

The Four Percent Success Challenge Goal Card. Creating a Goal Card as an Entrepreneur to help keep your focus in achieving results online as a new business owner. Worksmarter4yourfuture. Worksmarter4u.
Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
Goal Card!

Action Step 5 - Completion - after I completeted watching every minute of every video above, and completed each action step - I clicked complete.  (side note: make sure you double check and make sure the timer at the top right corner starts counting down.  If the timer does not, re-check the completion box and make sure again).

The timer starts counting down from 24 hours until the next session of level 1 opens up.

As I reflect on everything that I have watched and listened to I cannot help but know I am in the right place.  Yes it took me some time to watch everything and take notes, however every minute was worth it and then some.

Throughout the training ideas started coming to me, as Vick shared his insight I had a lot of "you are right" moments and some that flipped on the light switch as to why I am where I am today...and how I can change that!

I realized right away that it is called the challenge not for Vick to challenge me to doing the steps, but for me to challenge myself into making the commitment to follow through, be a good student, give 100%, never give up and succeed at all costs!

For those expecting the Challenge to be a quick button riches opportunity - it is not.  It is a training program designed to teach how to create a solid business online that will result in me achieving financial independence and the life I have always dreamed of.

In one of the opening videos for the Success Challenge Vick made a comment that sums up Level 1 Session 1 of the Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge "Congratulations you made a commitment to creating a better life for you and your family!"

I am on that path ...session 2 tomorrow!

My best to you and your search for success and happiness in life!
CEO of Worksmarter4u /

The Affiliate  Marketing Success Challenge

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