Saturday, January 26, 2019

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Session 2

Entrepreneur Dreams And Goals The 30 Day Challenge For Success That teaches Entrepreneurs how to create a successful business online as an affiliate marketer.  A 30 day step by step video tutorial guided program that teaches every aspect of creating a successful business that generates 10K per month in sales.  The Success Challenge Session 2
Follow along and learn how to create a Successful Affiliate
Marketing Business From Scratch in 30 days!

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Level 1 Session 2 Commitment and Focus!

Day 2 of the 30 day program that teaches Entrepreneurs how to create a successful business online that can generate 10K or more per month in sales selling "other people's products".

Before I get into the specific details of today's training I wanted to share a personal note (from my perspective in life)  This session by far is one of the most powerful training sessions I have ever been through in my life.  Vick explains paradigms and why you are who you are and think the way you do and what it will take to break through! 

I jump into day 2 of the challenge excited and eager to learn more from my new Mentor Vick.  After the 24 hour timer allows me to  start, I think to myself, I wish I could have activated the timer sooner - but there must be a reason for it.  Vick did say there was a reason for everything that he says, shows and does and to follow them specifically to a 'T'.  So there has to be a 'method to the madness' ...Which I quickly find out in the opening video.

The intro video to session 2 starts with Vick welcoming me back and asking "Did you get your goal card made?" And if I followed all of the action steps in session 1 - of which of course answer yes out loud.

The straight forward one to one talk Vick is having with me does make it seem like he is right in front of me talking to me.  As he stands in front of his white board and looks at me straight in the eyes.  He said it was going to be a workshop style training not a lecture, and his relaxed demeanor makes it a comfortable platform to learn from.

"The outcome of the challenge is to change you completely!  As a marketer, entrepreneur and as a human being...  The changing as a human being is what comes first... If it were easy everyone would be doing it, however it's only the people who know how to do it right are the ones that are successful."  That's why only 4 out of every 100 are successful and the rest are like sheep just following along whatever opportunity comes along.  The 4 decide what they want and go after it with a clear decisive plan to achieve their goal.

"You are here, You are in the Right Place, I hope you are doing your assignments and your previous steps are completed thoroughly and 100%. ...You have your goal card made ...Take this seriously - We are talking about your future here!  This is just a mile stone (as he points to $10,000 on the white board) it's who you become to get here..."  That will determine your outcome- you will get the knowledge and will be able to replicate what you learn.  "It's going to set you free for the rest of your life ...I really hope you understand what you got yourself into here!" That statement in itself shows Vick's conviction as to what he will be sharing.

I found myself shaking my head yes and saying let's do this.

Vick stresses the importance of the goal card and how I need to take this seriously.  That we are going to be referring to it in every session.  What is important to point out, that since I made my goal card and had it laminated at FedEx (was $2.85 for them to print and laminate) is that I did put in my pocket and found myself looking at it throughout the day between session 1 and 2.  And like Earl Nightingale mentioned in 'The Strangest Secret' - "look at it several times a day and before going to bed at night, and again first thing when you wake up".  It may seem trivial to some, but it's not - more on that to follow.

As the opening introduction continues.  Vick continues to inspire and motivate and put my mind in the 'right' frame of mind for success.  He has a unique energy about him and his ability to deliver a message that hits home is surprising.

As he pre-frames the rest of session 2 some points that get me more pumped are:
- I will be in the trenches with you
-"If you have been praying, have been asking for a miracle, you got it right here ...the question is how committed, dedicated, and how close will you follow the instructions, how close will you follow the program.  I'm going to leave no stone un-turned."
-I will do everything with you - getting setup, products, marketing, strategies.
-Goal Card:  have it with you every single day - it is what you are working for!

Vick discusses the difference between listening & hearing.  How it may be important to listen to each step more than once.  "Tune out all distractions and let's focus - Trust the source. If you don't trust 100% (right now) listen to your heart and instinct.  I will walk you through a path that is real, the truth, and is proven!  I really want you to succeed but you have to be Hungry and Starving for success!"

(this is from me personally here) I once heard an Entrepreneur make the statement "You don't need a mentor, part of being an entrepreneur is making mistakes and figuring it out on your own". When I heard this Entrepreneur make this statement I unsubscribed from him right away.  Do you realize that every great Entrepreneur had a mentor?  It's true - Tony Robbins, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg and the list goes on.  So is a mentor important - from what I have read, understand and am seeing first hand now I say "hell to the yes" lol.

As the training continues Vick discusses covering the 'Truth about Invisible Power'.  He points out that never be resentful or jealous of what you secretly desire.  If you see someone that has a nice car or house or whatever 'bless that person'.  Again this all has to do with mindset and how you perceive success and successful people.  He again mentions the goal card "If your goal doesn't scare you - then it is not big enough!  The difference between a goal and a vision is a deadline! A vision will always evolve."

Session 2 includes the topics of:
Invisible power
Four Percent Concept

Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge Session 2 how to rewire yourself for success.  Paradigm shift, inspiration, setting up your multiple streams of income.  Worksmarter4u Worksmarter4yourfuture
The Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
Session 2

Action Step 1Paradigms - How to re-wire yourself for success.

This 49 minute video literally pays for the program in itself.  Vick discusses how your current situation is based on your paradigm.  What created your current paradigm and how to break through the "Terror Barrier" which is what prevents most people and entrepreneurs from succeeding.

I cannot stress how powerful this step is.  This is something that should be taught in schools.  Personally I will have both of my sons listen to this step - because it is something that will change your perspective on yourself and your life.

I would not do Vick justice by explaining on his behalf.

But in a short overview in my words:  We are who we are based on our upbringing and how that has conditioned our subconscious mind.  How through repetition and positive reinforcement you can break through that barrier - the barrier between your current comfort zone and the life you truly desire.  And that is where Vick as my mentor, will help me break through that wall (aka Terror Barrier).

To reinforce what he has explained with 'breaking' your current paradigm and re-wiring for success, Vick has a recording in step 2 that reinforces what I need to do in order to reprogram my thinking.

Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge Session 2 Paradigms and the terror barrier. Worksmarter4yourfuture. Worksmarter4u.
Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
My Mentor Vick Discussing the "Terror Barrier"

Action Step 2: The 13 Principles

"Think And Grow Rich" By Napoleon Hill is one of the 'All-Time' best selling books for Entrepreneurs and those looking to achieve success in life.  It is the one book that has impacted and influenced more successful lives than any other book!

Before clicking on the recording for the "13 Principles", there is a statement that reads 'Listen to this message at least 3 times a week, everything that we will be doing for the rest of the program is based on these 13 principles'.  After reading that statement I got a big smile on my face and thought ~ a mentor in Vick + a guided path + the 13 principles of Napoleon Hill = If I continue to follow this to a 'T' I am going to crush it!

If you have never read Think and Grow Rich, I highly recommend it.  I have read it and it is mind blowing when you try to put it into context with your everyday life or business.  But what if someone helped me, i.e. Vick, in incorporating those principles? There would be no limit to how far I could go!!

The video recording is about 40 minutes long.  It is a condensed version of the book narrated by Earl Nightingale (remember yesterday's recording "The Strangest Secret").

Earl gives a break down of the exact 13 principles discussed in the book. I highly encourage you to listen to this recording (youtube link of recording not from my youtube account) and make notes as I did while I was listening to it.  I actually stopped a few times and replayed some of the recording to make sure I had it right in my notes.

I would post my notes here, but truthfully it would benefit you more directly if you listened for yourself.  Plus that way you can book mark the recording and have it for later reference and listening.

At the end of the recording Napoleon Hill comes on himself and leaves with a powerful message "Don't search for opportunity in the distance, but recognize and embrace it right where you are!"

Action Step 3Let's have a real heart to heart talk

This step Vick looks at me straight in the eye and says "Can I have a one on one with you? I really care about your success! Probably more than you care for yourself at this point, but I get it because you might not know me too well...The rest of the program is going to be about 70% marketing and 30% reinforcement of ideas... The adding of the 'Automatic Success Mechanism Enhancer' component...Introduce you to some of my Mentors (Vick's mentors), were going to get into diet, your physical self, exercise...because everything matters ...when it comes to your success!"

Everything that is being presented to you is here for a reason.

The rest of the program is going to be based off of the 13 principles in Think and Grow Rich.

When you have the awareness - you can create this over and over again. Vick is going to help me develop my potential with the right awareness.

Vick proceeds to go over his notes from the 13 principles that Napoleon Hill talked about.

**One of the key components of the 13 principles is in the "Desire" principle.  "Create a definite plan for carrying out your desire and begin at once, whether you are ready or not, to put this plan into action!"**

Throughout discussing the 13 principles, Vick continually reinforces that I need to commit to doing this.

"Please do this as if your life depends on it! ...If your goal card gets you fired up ...if it doesn't inspire you - it's not big enough should get your blood pumping ... this is YOUR Shot - You can do this!"

Some key statements that echo in my head after watching this step is:
-Never change your goal - may have to pivot or alter the course to get to it - but never change your goal!
-We are doing this together
-Don't make your decision based on your current situation - (this statement is true to a "T".  I am, and you are, where you are at based on our decisions we have made - they got us to the point we are at.  If we want to truly succeed we cannot let 'our' here and now situation dictate our future)
-This program is not like any other program out there
-I promise we will make this happen together!
-The power of the mastermind component (Think & Grow Rich) starts here in the program. Moving forward Vick will have Entrepreneur Masterminds at various times.
- Repetition is the mother of all skill

Again Vick reinforces "I want you to be successful.  I want you to be on the same side of the table as me...on the same team"

Vick asks me directly to:
1 - commit to completion of the whole program
2 - commit to going all out
3 - commit to being resourceful (mentions that he will not recommend that I purchase anything that is not used in setting up my personal business)
4 - commit to no plan B
5 - commit to creating a Better Life for myself

A bold statement made by Vick was "If you follow every session and action step to a "T" the end of session 10 you will think, act and behave differently then you did in session will become addicted to this ... you deserve it, you owe it to yourself ...Go Full Out - This will GIVE you a Brand New Life!"

The homework assignment included:
Listening to Think & Grow Rich again
Create your desire worksheet
Take a picture of yourself with your goal card and post in facebook group.
Inspire one person today

Action Step 4Session Complete
Check the box and make sure the timer is counting down on the upper right side of the page.

So as I sit here contemplating what I have just experienced the past two days ...
The Success Challenge even for this session alone is worth the monthly cost of $49* for training.
*(the initial charter member price has changed, however still well worth the current cost)*
Vick is down to earth and talks to me like his personal friend.
He is genuine in his desire to help me succeed.
This program is like no other program - I have never experienced something this detailed and we haven't even started setting up our business or using marketing tools or strategies.

Am I committed! "Heck Yes!" Will I make it happen - yes or I will die trying is what I declared to myself!

Will I do my homework - definitely - I made that commitment to myself and to my sons and family.  I will do whatever it takes and whatever I need to do to make it happen!

So far the heavy dose of motivation and inspiration is setting the foundation on what we are about to dive into!  If you can't commit to your own personal goals and commit to making it happen - then the program will not work.  You have to believe in yourself and your desires first then follow through with a definite plan (just like Think and Grow Rich talks about)

I am excited about what is yet to come and already fired up for session 3 tomorrow.

I will end with one final quote from Vick that he mentions in both session 1 and 2 is "If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired ..." Am I - YES!

Let the journey continue ...session 3 tomorrow!

As always, My best to you and your search for success and happiness in life!
CEO of Worksmarter4u /

The Affiliate  Marketing Success Challenge

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