Friday, February 8, 2019

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Session 3

Entrepreneur Dreams And Goals The 30 Day Challenge For Success Session 3. Paradigm Shift, Inspiration, Landscape of Affiliate Marketing, Million Dollar Conversion Model, Setting up Basic Tools-Worksmarter4yourfuture-Worksmarter4u-Richard Fronek
Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
The 30 Day Challenge For Success - Session 3

My Journey through the Success Challenge - Level 1 Session 3 Laying Out a Game Plan for Domination!

Day 3 of the 30 day program that teaches Entrepreneurs how to create a successful business online that can generate 10K or more per month in sales selling "other people's products".

Having completing my homework from session 2: Listening to the 13 principles again - as Vick stated and I'm sure you know as well repetition is the basis for all skills. Listening the second time I definitely picked up more insight that I added to my first batch of notes. The second task for homework was writing a clear concise statement of my goals and how I intended to achieve them with deadlines in place.  Definitely gives you a real perspective when you get specific- and as you will find out further in my blog here - You have to be specific to a 'T'.  Without getting into specifics my goal does include relocating my family and my business so there is a lot on the table for me.

Quick side note:  I have been working for a company not related to my personal business to help offset some of the costs in life.  After writing down my statement I gave my two weeks notice to them ....

Session 3 Introduction:  
Vick welcomes me back with a big smile and a ton of enthusiasm - asking if I completed all the previous session action steps and making sure I did my homework.  Prefacing the session by saying that moving forward we will be going through some unknown territory!

'...Be mindful of the Force of your Old Paradigm - it will try to hold you back.  People fail because of what happens to them emotionally as they try something New'. That is why the last session about bringing 'awareness' to me was where it was at in the Challenge.

General Preview of Session 3:
Lay game plan for Domination
Go over the rules of the 'Game'
Entire section on the "Million Dollar Blueprint" (the knowledge Vick has compiled over 14+ years into a concise blueprint)

"Buckle-up! Have your seat belt on! Stay with me and don't deviate from the program because you are serious (about your success)'.   I will be showing how to do certain things in a certain way.  Everything is strategic and everything is there by design.  

Stressing how I need to work on myself mentally everyday to achieve the success that I desire.  

"Right now let's review your goal card.  Your goal should create a calm sense of 'expectancy'.  Imagine what your life will be like when you achieve your goal!"

You will never have it in your hand if don't envision it in your head (mind) first.  Don't put limitations on yourself.  "Don't filter your goal through your present situation" (this I found to be a very thought provoking statement.  As the everyday person tends to look at what their current situation is and think that their goal or dream is not possible because they are where they are).

"Create a future so compelling that it 'Pulls' you towards it!  Connect with your goal emotionally - it should motivate and inspire you!"  

As Vick has mentioned from the start - Reprogramming your mindset for success is as important as the process of creating and running your business.  First is reprogramming yourself and then getting yourself in the environment that will be conducive to it.  

"Visualize your goal in your mind and that will turn it into a reality and that's how you will achieve Greatness my friend!  Don't take this lightly!  This is good for your mental aspect as well."

"Don't be selective or put filters on the program.  The only people who get the most out of the program are the ones who have blind faith! Trust the process!  Where you are today will be reconditioned...not overnight but 'we' will work on it!  It took you how long to get conditioned to get the results you have now. Take your time ..."

Closing out the introduction Vick pre-frames step one.  A recording from Zig Ziglar "How to get the life you really want!" 

Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge Session 3-How To Start An Affiliate Marketing Business From Scratch-How to start a business online-Worksmarter4yourfuture-Worksmarter4u
Four Percent Affiliate Marketing Success Challenge
Session 3

Action Step 1How To Get The Life You Really Want - by Zig Ziglar

As part of an entrepreneurs mindset (paradigm) shift, Vick has me listening to an approximately 1 hour recording from the great Zig Ziglar - 'How To Get The Life You Really Want

The above link will take you to a recording on YouTube.  I highly, highly ...did I stress HIGHLY recommend you listen to as well no matter what you do in life.  I actually have listened to the recording several times prior to writing session 3 of the blog. What I have found to be very true on the audio's Vick has recommended to listen to so far, is each time you listen to them, you pick up more information that adds to your perspective and opens your mind to even more possibilities!

I wanted to share a few statements that Zig Ziglar quoted in his speech that really stood out to me.  

"If you don't think that you deserve success - you will do things that will keep you from getting them!"  A lot of times people have a 'poor self-image' of themselves which keeps them from pursuing the life they were truly meant to live.  

"In Order For a Goal to Be Effective - It MUST affect change!  If it doesn't (your Goal is not big enough)" 

Mr. Ziglar stresses the importance of 'committing' your goal to paper.  Having just the thought of what you would like to achieve versus writing it down are two different things.  

"Are you a wandering generality? Or are you a Meaningful Specific?"  That statement in itself speaks volumes!

Throughout his speech the importance of goals, committed goals and SPECIFIC detailed goals are reiterated.  

From what Vick is instilling in the first 3 sessions, backed by the recordings he has me listening to - it is apparent how important being truly committed really is in order to achieve the success I desire!

Action Step 2:  The Landscape of Affiliate Marketing

Vick discusses the huge difference between someone who is just an Affiliate Marketer and someone who is an Entrepreneur who uses affiliate marketing as a source of income.  

"Look at me as your guide!"  I will be turning you into a 'Master Marketer'!   We are going to operate differently so we don't end up like the millions of others out there that are failing.  

"This is why I am putting conditioning audios and personal growth help shape your mind ... so that your results will be effortless.  

Throughout this step in Session 3 Vick reinforces and stresses how important it is to grow both on your personal side as well as your business side.    

"With affiliate marketing the potential is 'Unlimited'- You are only limited to your imagination!"

The 3 components of Affiliate Marketing are discussed in detail.  How Vendors, Customers and me (you) are connected.  

Every single thing needs to be thought out strategically so we are not wasting money, effort and time!  So everything that we do today is a stepping stone for tomorrow.  

"Everything we do will be strategic."  Building you as a 'brand' that will make you last!  So when money is invested in promoting a product the returns are maximized.

The challenge is the most "business results producing education (journey) you will ever embark on! 

Again committing to Greatness is stressed.  The actions you took before has brought you to where you are now.  "Everything happens for a reason.  You would not have the potential to achieve what you want if you were not here!  The actions we take now will determine where you will be in one month, three months ...the rest of your life."

Vick closes with "...Very important for 'us' to focus and to trust me and you will have something great happen to you". 

Action Step 3:  The Million Dollar Blueprint

"The mother of all marketing plans!  When you understand the blueprint you can write your own ticket!"

Vick explains in great depth how the million dollar blueprint is designed to help me separate myself from the masses.  He takes time to explain the reasons behind the actions and how bringing awareness to them allows me to be independent.

Side note:  Because this is Vick's blueprint, I will not be describing all if it in great detail.  If you take part in the challenge you will have access to the download of it, and Vick teaching it to you.  It is recommended to have the download laminated for future reference.  I took the time to have mine printed and laminated at FedEx.  As Vick states - moving forward the game plan for his marketing strategy stems from this blueprint.  The education Vick has shared in the first 3 sessions is well worth 10 times the $49 in itself.  

The blueprint is designed to maximize traffic, never waste clicks, and have a specific path to follow and channel your marketing strategy.  

Vick explains the 'Law of Compensation' and elaborates on how important understanding it is for creating my success.
1. The need for what you do (and how you identify that need)
2. My ability to fulfill that need
3. How difficult would it be to replace

We will be working with the Law of Compensation.  Sell one Core product but leverage around that product to create multiple streams of income.

Some of the bullet points Vick discusses throughout his explanation of the 'Million Dollar Blueprint' and action step 3 are:

Entrepreneurs should never depend on anything or anybody.

The 'Success Challenge' will be comprised of Awareness - Blueprint (Million Dollar Blueprint) - Action

"We are building YOU inc."

"This education will make you lose sleep once you grasp it!"

Do NOT Deviate from the path! Follow Step-by-step!

Vick recommends 3 basic tools necessary to run my business (detailed more in Action Step 4) - Auto Responder, Click Magick and Click Funnels.  As he stares directly at me he reiterates how he will never recommend any products that are not absolutely necessary for you to run your business successfully.

Don't be cheap on your Journey To Greatness!

"My goal (Vick's goal) is to put you on a path to 'Success and Domination' right away!"

Below the action step 3 is a button to click that allows you to download The Million Dollar Blueprint - I highly recommend you do so!

Million Dollar Conversion Model Downloadable Printout-Affilate Marketing Success Challenge-Worksmarter4yourfuture-Worksmarter4u-Richard Fronek
Million Dollar Coversion Model

Action Step 4Getting Basic Tools

The 3 basic necessary tools Vick lays out for me in this particular session that I must pick up to START building my business are ClickFunnels®, an auto responder and Click Magick.

(side note: this is EXCITING - starting to put the pieces of my business together!)

Click Funnels®is recommended by Vick as the #1 Funnel Builder out there.  I need ClickFunnels® for an optin-page / landing page and pre-frame pages.   They come with a free 14 day trial!  As an added bonus ClickFunnels® gives you your very first funnel free!  They walk you through every step of setting up your very first funnel complete with a bonus free domain name!  I personally would recommend waiting a little bit on creating it so that you can use it towards your new business! From what Vick is teaching you should get a ton of new ideas to implement for your NEW business!

For the auto-responder Vick said "there are several out there that are good, and you can use any of them.  Aweber, Get Response, Convert kit, etc.  Each has their own features that you might like... Their prices vary so pick something you are comfortable with."  Vick mentions that he was probably going to use Convert Kit (although another side note - I have personally used Get Response and Convert Kit and Convert kit does not allow affiliate marketing training programs like the Four Percent.  Even though this is a training program to teach Entrepreneurs how to start a business, they still would not allow me to use them I would not personally recommend them.  Get Response comes with a Free 30 Day trial which is very beneficial to brand new Entrepreneurs.)

The tracking platform ClickMagick is so that you can track clicks and scale winners and cut the losers for when you promote your funnels created through ClickFunnels®. ClickMagick comes with a free 14 day trial. 

Vick states that he will explain the why's and how to use them in conjunction with the challenge in coming sessions. "My assignment for you is to just pick these basic tools up - you don't have to figure them out yet - just create your account."...he goes on to mention part of why he doesn't want to go into too much detail right now is to prevent overwhelm.  Just giving bite size pieces to get me started.

Below Action Step 4 are links to these different resources. Part of being an Entrepreneur and an Affiliate Marketer is when someone brings information and resources to your attention, you click through their links to give them credit for sharing their knowledge with you.

Vick finishes Session 3 with these statements:

"In business you cannot afford to cut any corners with what I am telling you here because that will show up later"

"We want to Maximize our effectiveness by properly structuring everything now."

"Focus - if you do you can have a Brand New Life!"

"There is no Excuse or reason for you to Fail ...only way you can not succeed is if you give up or don't follow instructions"

"Thank you for watching - be awesome - be strong!  I will see you in the next session!"

Action Step 5:  Session Completion.

Again you may want to make sure you check this box twice and make sure the count down timer is working.

Let the journey continue ... Session 4 tomorrow!

As always, My best to you and your search for success and happiness in life!

CEO of Worksmarter4u /

If you missed Session 2

If you missed Session 1

The Affiliate  Marketing Success Challenge

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