Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Why Your Business Needs Video Marketing in 2021

In 2020 the pandemic forced millions of businesses and entrepreneurs worldwide to rethink their marketing strategies and how they can compete in today's digital economy.

For the brick and mortar stores that relied on foot traffic and store front sale signs to purchase their products, a cold hard reality hit home quickly.  With local government shut downs many businesses who did not have an online presence found themselves closing their doors for good.

In some cases the quick trigger reaction, was just that.  Not knowing when they could open their doors again created a lot of panic and shops began closing left and right.  That drive past that strip mall that used to be packed with cars - sat empty with most store fronts with a for sale or lease sign across the windows.

Some businesses quickly consulted with local marketing consultants and sought information on how they could quickly build their presence in an ever growing trend of businesses online.

When your back is against the wall, or your business doors are closed beyond your control ... you find a way to make it happen.

Enter the new era of millions profiting from their presence online. 

For some the pandemic proved to be the light at the end of the tunnel.  Planting their stake in the ground for a niche that was desperately needed ... or was it that the timing was just right?  

With so many people laid off from their jobs due to the pandemic, time online as well as online shopping exploded as it often does during the year end holiday and Christmas gift giving season.

Yes a disaster brought about a new opportunity.  

With this new opportunity brings about the challenge for most 'new' online businesses of how to grab the attention and captivate potential customers.  

In years past flashy or attention grabbing static ads with a mind teasing question could get the average consumer to click away and find out what was behind that alluring banner ad.

Yet with an influx of new online businesses, that seemed to grow up like weeds in the cracks of pavement in the dead heat of summer, standing out created a new issue for online businesses.

The key for continued success online is the ability to GRAB that customer attention and hold them captivated more than the 7 second average we often here about.

The easiest trending way is by 'Attention Grabbing Videos' - no longer is a 30+ minute YouTube video a way to create that new customer.

Software companies have proven that doodle maker videos as well as engaging avatar videos increase brand awareness by creating a 'memorable' experience for their viewers. Whether it's a hand drawing across a screen, or strategically placing 'advertising bullet points' or having an engaging forefront figure (Avatar) speaking to your customer directly.

The ability to create an eye appealing intense video will stop your customer through scrolling through their feed.  Having an irresistible 'must have' product is great, however if you are unable to GRAB your customers attention and make it a memorable experience, potential sales are lost.

If you think about the history of video marketing in the terms of TV commercials.  The commercials you remember are the ones that created a certain type of feeling.  It stimulated an emotion in you and that's why you remember the product, the company and the jingle or catch phrase.  

Online video marketing should evoke the same feeling with your customer.

The past 2 years have shown how video marketing has increased followers and built customer base.  

"Close to 50% of online users search for product videos before they make a purchase.  When you're not able to see the product in person, as you would in a shop, there is no better way to ensure you receive the item you want.  Before making an online purchase, nearly half of all shoppers search the web for videos of the product they inted on buying according to online video statistics (Think with Google)" - 'Video Marketing Trends - Start the Decade Off Right'-Celio24

Create professional doodle videos in minutes!

YouTube the second largest search engine next to Google has proven that people would rather watch a video than click on a static ad for information

"...In fact, nearly eight out of ten (78.8 percent) of marketers consider it to be the most effective platform for video marketing ...In comparison, at 58.5 percent, far fewer marketers consider Facebook, the king of social media, to be the most effective video marketing platform." - OBERLO 10 YouTube Statistics.

Not only are Doodle Maker videos and Avatar hosted videos eye appealing - they help the novice, entrepreneur or business owner, who may lack experience or who are shy on camera - still deliver the message they want to share!  

No need to make multiple takes and spend hours editing trying to get the video 'just so'. (Trust me 3 years ago I would spend 6 hours trying to get a 10 or 15 minute video done - experience changed that.)  In today's competitive market, too long of a learning curve could result in lost sales!

There are plenty of software apps out there, however finding the right ones with built in templates and a step by step user friendly training are not so easy to come by.

Many new software apps offer the ability to re-vamp old YouTube videos or add special effects to new and product information videos.

Do your due diligence and make sure the software app has all the features your business needs.  

Strategically having your Avatar or doodle video direct them to a sign up link - is a great way to close out your video (or subliminally tell them to do that throughout).  

Make sure to not only capture your customers attention, but also have them opt in to your landing page, or newsletter so that you have the ability to retain them and keep them up to date on current specials and offers!  A special discount or bonus are great ways to have your customer eagerly share their name and email address with you. 

Through the use of AI (artificial intelligence) many new software apps have the ability to import text from existing videos, record your own voice, and even translate your text or speech into many different languages all with the click of a button.

2021 is the time to take your online presence to the next level - Avatar and Doodle Videos are one way to help your business make the transition to solidifying your online presence!

Video marketing is the future for your business to Attract, Engage and Convert new customers.

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One last 'Gold Nugget' - Creating one highly engaging attention grabbing video can not only boost customer engagement on your website, but also your Facebook business page, YouTube channel, Webtalk profile page and even on your 'Google My Business' page.  Targeting potential customers on multiple platforms.

As always I wish you my best for continued success and happiness in business and in life!

The Time is Now to Worksmarter4yourfuture!

Rick Fronek

CEO Worksmarter4u / Worksmarter4yourfuture / VideoCreatives


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