Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Tax Deduction Tips For Small Business Owners And Entrpeneurs

The 10 Most Overlooked Deductions Tax time for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs trying to build their dream business can be challenging! Often dreaded by most just trying to figure out "What can I write off?" When I started my business in 2016 I knew there were some items that I could write off, however not until I hired a CPA (certified public accountant) did things become clear. We will cover 10 key areas most small business owners and entrepreneurs overlook when filing their taxes. My personal recommendation, if you are in doubt, is to consult with a CPA. Even if they charge a small consultation fee (most will not if you let them know you will be utilizing their services), it is well worth looking into. In addition to the 10 key areas for small business tax deductions, I will share two of my most highly recommended tips at the end of this article. For anyone operating a business from home, albeit full-time or part-time, this article will shed some light on just what types of items you may have been overlooking. Continue reading

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