Monday, December 18, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Fifth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ On the 5th Day ... This time of year many often look back at their accomplishments, failures, missed opportunities, and ways they could have made their life easier or better. An age-old tradition is having a New Years' Resolution, but why wait for a New Year to start something that we can start working on now? Why not finish 2023 strong? I wanted to share a powerful concept that was shared with me courtesy of Bob Proctor and PGI and associates. This concept is from the "Law of Thinking" from Raymond Holliwell ... “All failures in life are due to taking sides with the finite around us. All success in life is due to taking sides with the Law within us.” “Life, with all its attributes of good, is something that doesn’t just happen to touch a fortunate few. It is something you must create. It is something you must plan, mentally picture and think about. You who are seeking love, fortune, happiness, and success must understand that it is not something you can find, you cannot buy it nor borrow it from another. No one can give it to you; you must create it within yourself.” “Now our method is not manipulating two powers, good and evil. We’ve got to create. The mind force is creating continually like fertile soil. Nature does not differentiate between the seed of the weed and that of the flower. She produces and causes both seeds to grow.” What are you thinking about? Because you have to create the love, the happiness, the wealth—you’ve got to create it within yourself. It starts with your thinking. ~ I think the most compelling part of what Bob shared, and why I am sharing it with you is the first quote regarding all 'failures' and all 'success' in life ... Success comes when you focus on what "you" envision, how you think about it and how you implement the steps in order to reach your goals and dreams. Put more power behind your focused energy and it will shorten the manifestation of the idea(s) you have. We have to discipline ourselves to focus on the good that we desire - which may sound simple, but is often a difficult task. This is a nice lead into something I will share on the '6th Day of Christmas' - which will include a video on how someone's dream will literally pay you to take action ...But you will have to watch the video tomorrow. My very best to everyone for an amazing start to your week ~ Rick
For more information on 'Six Minutes to Success'

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