Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Eleventh Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ On the 11th Day ... I was going to share a download with everyone but felt sharing this 'Law of Resistance' was more inline with Christmas Eve. At this time of year our hearts are more open to caring, sharing, giving and 'forgiving'. And that is where I feel the Law of Resistance comes in. This was shared with me by Bob Proctor and PGI and associates. I wanted to thank them and give credit for the quote and for allowing me to share it with everyone. Law or Resistance: Whatever you resist, will persist. “Bless them that curse you, and pray for them that misuse you. Why? Blessing calls forth the highest good within you. The highest good within you can only attract the highest good from another. If a person resists a situation, he’ll always have it with him. If he tries to run away from it, like a shadow, it follows him, and repeatedly he will meet it again. If he ignores the hardness of the condition and fearlessly works around it, he will find a time when that hard condition will have been absorbed and removed. Accept the condition as some evidence of good. Look for that good and, by being acceptable to it, more and more evidence of it appears.” The idea is this: If there’s bad coming, don’t resist it, don’t fight it—just let it go. Now that doesn’t mean that you have to become a doormat or you have to become used or knocked around by it. Just don’t resist it." Try this ... When someone is yelling at you and they’re firing bad stuff at you, say a nice prayer for them. Bless them. Send them good energy. You see, that puts you in a beautiful vibration. And, ultimately, it will attract nothing but good to you." This is one of those concepts ('Laws') that does take a quite a bit of effort to remember and utilize. Our normal reaction when someone becomes confrontational is to react, instead of responding. If we take that moment, as Bob mentions, to say a nice prayer ...that will put us more in the responding state of a calm mind, thus finding the good in the situation and improving what is happening at that specific time. So at this time of year when it seems everyone is in a positive vibration / mood, why not just remember how we feel this time of year and use it every day, instead of just during this Magical time of year and on Christmas Day? 🤔 As always thank you for taking the time to read my post. May your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day🎄 be blessed and beautiful! ~ Rick
Bob Proctor 'Results that Stick' #twelvedaysofChristmas #eleventhdayofChristmas #worksmarter4u #silverandgoldsolutions #lawofresistance

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