Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On The First Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the first day of Christmas This time of year is a very special time of year, regardless of where you are in the world. In helping to make this Christmas and Holiday season a little brighter I wanted to share the 'Twelve Days of Christmas'from our Worksmarter4u and Silver and Gold Solutions division. Over the course of the next 12 days leading up to Christmas I will be sharing something each day with everyone. As many of you know I daily try to learn something new that I try to implement into either my business or in my personal daily life. These may be affirmations, insight from mentors, or personal development tips that I personally have used. To start off, The First Day will be a simple affirmation - however if you keep it in mind in your daily activities, it will make a difference in your life: “I am responsible for my life, for my feelings and for every result that I get” This is courtesy of PGI's* 'Responsibility' principle from the '12 Principles for Winning the Mind Game'. On some days I will also have free/complimentary things to share which may include a short video and free giveaways. I hope you enjoy and I will be back tomorrow 😉 ~ Rick CEO Worksmarter4u Founder Silver And Gold Solutions *Note: 12 Principles for Winning the Mind Game is courtesy of PGI (Proctor Gallagher Institute) which was part of their Six Minutes to Success program we participated in.

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