Friday, December 22, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the Ninth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the 9th Day ... This time of year we find many ways to give to others. It can be in many forms, but the ones that mean the most, simply come from the heart. Today is a short and inspiring affirmation that was originally shared with me by the late great Bob Proctor... "I Believe in what is Possible! I see possibilities Everywhere! I focus on what is Right, Bright and Beautiful! I see the Best in Every situation and in Every person! I Believe in What IS Possible!" I hope this gives you a fresh perspective and a way to start each day anew! As part of this giving time of year, I did want to give everyone here a complimentary gift. This is 100% free to take advantage of, and it will be something that will help you save over the course of the next year in any travel that you do. This is a complimentary travel membership that saves you up to 50% off online retail prices. It can be used as many times as you like - as you will have your own online version of travelocity, expedia etc - BUT with better pricing! If you are unable to use - feel free to share with others. It is 100% complimentary. So even if you only travel once in a blue moon - you can still use it. This gift can be used regardless of where you live in the world - no restrictions 😊 Take advantage of right here! As always - I wish you my very best for continued success and happiness during this joyful time of year! Merry Christmas ~ Rick #twelvedaysofChristmas #ninthdayofChristmas #MerryChristmas #worksmarter4u #freetravelgift

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