Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the Eighth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the 8th day ... As we approach the New Year we all look back at our past year and think of the positive things, and also the opportunities we did not take advantage of, or think about how things might have been different if we just would have ... On this 8th day, we are piggybacking off of day 7 and what Earl Nightingale talks about in having a goal card. To some, it may seem rather odd to carry something around with you or look at it when you know what it says, but there is an emotional and intellectual bond between your goal card and what you do daily. The goal card is to remind you that it is important to have a goal, to be working towards something - something that will drive you to have a better life for yourself, your family, and your future and which in turn will make those you come in contact with have a better life as well. Everyone should set goals (or some may refer to as New Year's resolutions) because having dissatisfaction with your life is actually a healthy state of mind which causes you to be creative and think of ways to improve your life ...which is how the goals come about. Being discontent is the heart of one's motivation. One of the many things I learned over the years is "The Law of Creation and Disintegration" ...Every expression of life is moving in one direction or another. One is either improving the quality of their life or taking away from it. We all have a choice. It's a decision only you and I can make. To make no decision is to make a decision. Having a goal is essential to having a creative life. I first listened to Earl back in July of 2016, the very first time I listened I created a goal card on a piece of cardboard and carried it with me and read it several times throughout the day did and still does make a difference. As always my very best to everyone - enjoy your day and this joyful time of year ~ Merry Christmas ~ Rick #twelvedaysofChristmas #eighthdayofChristmas #goalcard #worksmarter4u #whywesetgoals

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