Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Seventh day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the 7th Day... The one audio recording that can impact your life my life and open up your mind to what your ture potential is -"The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale. I have easily listened to this well over 1000 times over the course of the past 6 years. It is the one recording that can 'always' bring me back to focusing on my long-term vision for myself, my family and my business. Each time I have listened to it, something new is triggered in my mind. You might think how is that possible? Over time we grow as individuals through life's experiences and how we perceive things. We continue to grow and mature and how we looked at things 1 year or 2 years ago is completely different than how we do now. From a personal standpoint, each time I have listened to Earl's recording, my mind triggers new ideas and a new perspective on life that can be implemented moving forward. Some of the key points that always resonate after listening to it are: Persistence is another word for faith, if you didn't have faith you wouldn't persist "Ask and it shall be given to you... Seek and you shall find... Knock and it shall be opened unto you" and of course having a goal card - which I highly recommend everyone having. Belief in yourself and knowing that what you are doing can make a difference is the key. As always I wish you my very best this joyful Christmas and Holiday season ~ Rick ... and if you didn't take advantage of Day 6 ... go back and take another look at it 😉

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