Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, On the third day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas - on the third day of Christmas... Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the third day ... We will start the third day with a famous quote from Bernard Shaw. Earl Nightingale mentioned this quote in 'The Strangest Secret' and often has been shared by Bob Proctor in his mentoring and training as well. "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."~ George Bernard Shaw A very powerful statement, in which each of us should reflect on if we are not in the 'right circumstance' or if we are aware that we can do better. This is courtesy of PGI and part of their 'Six Minutes To Success' program. It is a part of the "Working with the forgotten laws" portion of their training: "A fatalistic belief is contagious and when man submits to its influence, believing that the circumstances around him are stronger than the power within him, that person is defeated before the race is run. In the history of the race and the biography of man, there is a long list of evidence of man overcoming circumstance and meeting his problems of life. Evolution and anthropology alike furnish the truth that man is responsible for what he is. He has power to control his circumstances and, by using this power, he has created other circumstances more necessary in his upward climb." This coincides with the concept and the message Bernard Shaw was trying to convey. As part of this incredible, magical time of year, I wanted to do a giveaway ... this post will be on a few social media platforms, but for anyone that comments, they will be entered into a drawing for a copy of "The Secret of Think And Grow Rich" ... for those of you who have read it, you know how powerful 'Think and Grow Rich' is. For those that have not - this book will give you a condensed version, however I still encourage everyone to read the full version. So just comment below and on Christmas Eve I will draw a name from all that participated and I will send you a copy 😊 My very best to you for a Happy and Joyful Holiday Season! ~ Rick

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