Monday, December 25, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, On the Twelfth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ On the 12th Day ... The Greatest Gift one Could Ever Ask For ... The Gift of God's Love with the birth of our Savior! Merry Christmas Everyone! May your Christmas bring you joy, love, and memories that will last a lifetime! ~ Rick #twelvedaysofChristmas #12thdayofChristmas #worksmarter4u #silverandgoldsolutions #merryChristmas

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Eleventh Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ On the 11th Day ... I was going to share a download with everyone but felt sharing this 'Law of Resistance' was more inline with Christmas Eve. At this time of year our hearts are more open to caring, sharing, giving and 'forgiving'. And that is where I feel the Law of Resistance comes in. This was shared with me by Bob Proctor and PGI and associates. I wanted to thank them and give credit for the quote and for allowing me to share it with everyone. Law or Resistance: Whatever you resist, will persist. “Bless them that curse you, and pray for them that misuse you. Why? Blessing calls forth the highest good within you. The highest good within you can only attract the highest good from another. If a person resists a situation, he’ll always have it with him. If he tries to run away from it, like a shadow, it follows him, and repeatedly he will meet it again. If he ignores the hardness of the condition and fearlessly works around it, he will find a time when that hard condition will have been absorbed and removed. Accept the condition as some evidence of good. Look for that good and, by being acceptable to it, more and more evidence of it appears.” The idea is this: If there’s bad coming, don’t resist it, don’t fight it—just let it go. Now that doesn’t mean that you have to become a doormat or you have to become used or knocked around by it. Just don’t resist it." Try this ... When someone is yelling at you and they’re firing bad stuff at you, say a nice prayer for them. Bless them. Send them good energy. You see, that puts you in a beautiful vibration. And, ultimately, it will attract nothing but good to you." This is one of those concepts ('Laws') that does take a quite a bit of effort to remember and utilize. Our normal reaction when someone becomes confrontational is to react, instead of responding. If we take that moment, as Bob mentions, to say a nice prayer ...that will put us more in the responding state of a calm mind, thus finding the good in the situation and improving what is happening at that specific time. So at this time of year when it seems everyone is in a positive vibration / mood, why not just remember how we feel this time of year and use it every day, instead of just during this Magical time of year and on Christmas Day? 🤔 As always thank you for taking the time to read my post. May your Christmas Eve and Christmas Day🎄 be blessed and beautiful! ~ Rick
Bob Proctor 'Results that Stick' #twelvedaysofChristmas #eleventhdayofChristmas #worksmarter4u #silverandgoldsolutions #lawofresistance

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the Tenth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ On the Tenth Day ... Our Gift to you... Special Christmas Thank you Video from Worksmarter4u & Silver And Gold Solutions! We wanted to thank everyone for the support, kind words, encouragement and friendship over the past year. There are several free giveaways as well as other special gifts and information shared in the video ... just our way of thanking everyone! On this eve of Christmas Eve - I wish everyone my very best for a safe, healthy, joy-filled and Merry Christmas! ~ Rick Our Special Christmas Thank you Video!
#twelvedaysofChristmas #tenthdayofChristmas #worksmarter4u #silverandgoldsolutions #ourgifttoyou

Friday, December 22, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the Ninth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the 9th Day ... This time of year we find many ways to give to others. It can be in many forms, but the ones that mean the most, simply come from the heart. Today is a short and inspiring affirmation that was originally shared with me by the late great Bob Proctor... "I Believe in what is Possible! I see possibilities Everywhere! I focus on what is Right, Bright and Beautiful! I see the Best in Every situation and in Every person! I Believe in What IS Possible!" I hope this gives you a fresh perspective and a way to start each day anew! As part of this giving time of year, I did want to give everyone here a complimentary gift. This is 100% free to take advantage of, and it will be something that will help you save over the course of the next year in any travel that you do. This is a complimentary travel membership that saves you up to 50% off online retail prices. It can be used as many times as you like - as you will have your own online version of travelocity, expedia etc - BUT with better pricing! If you are unable to use - feel free to share with others. It is 100% complimentary. So even if you only travel once in a blue moon - you can still use it. This gift can be used regardless of where you live in the world - no restrictions 😊 Take advantage of right here! As always - I wish you my very best for continued success and happiness during this joyful time of year! Merry Christmas ~ Rick #twelvedaysofChristmas #ninthdayofChristmas #MerryChristmas #worksmarter4u #freetravelgift

Thursday, December 21, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the Eighth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the 8th day ... As we approach the New Year we all look back at our past year and think of the positive things, and also the opportunities we did not take advantage of, or think about how things might have been different if we just would have ... On this 8th day, we are piggybacking off of day 7 and what Earl Nightingale talks about in having a goal card. To some, it may seem rather odd to carry something around with you or look at it when you know what it says, but there is an emotional and intellectual bond between your goal card and what you do daily. The goal card is to remind you that it is important to have a goal, to be working towards something - something that will drive you to have a better life for yourself, your family, and your future and which in turn will make those you come in contact with have a better life as well. Everyone should set goals (or some may refer to as New Year's resolutions) because having dissatisfaction with your life is actually a healthy state of mind which causes you to be creative and think of ways to improve your life ...which is how the goals come about. Being discontent is the heart of one's motivation. One of the many things I learned over the years is "The Law of Creation and Disintegration" ...Every expression of life is moving in one direction or another. One is either improving the quality of their life or taking away from it. We all have a choice. It's a decision only you and I can make. To make no decision is to make a decision. Having a goal is essential to having a creative life. I first listened to Earl back in July of 2016, the very first time I listened I created a goal card on a piece of cardboard and carried it with me and read it several times throughout the day did and still does make a difference. As always my very best to everyone - enjoy your day and this joyful time of year ~ Merry Christmas ~ Rick #twelvedaysofChristmas #eighthdayofChristmas #goalcard #worksmarter4u #whywesetgoals

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Seventh day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the 7th Day... The one audio recording that can impact your life my life and open up your mind to what your ture potential is -"The Strangest Secret" by Earl Nightingale. I have easily listened to this well over 1000 times over the course of the past 6 years. It is the one recording that can 'always' bring me back to focusing on my long-term vision for myself, my family and my business. Each time I have listened to it, something new is triggered in my mind. You might think how is that possible? Over time we grow as individuals through life's experiences and how we perceive things. We continue to grow and mature and how we looked at things 1 year or 2 years ago is completely different than how we do now. From a personal standpoint, each time I have listened to Earl's recording, my mind triggers new ideas and a new perspective on life that can be implemented moving forward. Some of the key points that always resonate after listening to it are: Persistence is another word for faith, if you didn't have faith you wouldn't persist "Ask and it shall be given to you... Seek and you shall find... Knock and it shall be opened unto you" and of course having a goal card - which I highly recommend everyone having. Belief in yourself and knowing that what you are doing can make a difference is the key. As always I wish you my very best this joyful Christmas and Holiday season ~ Rick ... and if you didn't take advantage of Day 6 ... go back and take another look at it 😉

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Sixth day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the Sixth Day ... Yesterday I shared the concept of "Success comes when you focus on what "you" envision, how you think about it and how you implement the steps in order to reach your goals and dreams". This ties in to today, the sixth day ... Take a look at what you are doing... Take a look at where you are going... and Take a look at what you really want to do. Focus on your "Potential" and also on how you can expand the life of somebody else. On this Sixth Day, it really does include a gift. And as I mentioned yesterday - you will need to watch this video to understand why it's important to take advantage of this. Although the original free sign up landing page is different, having access to Ted through RhinoStreet will allow you to register yourself or your business and receive your free bonus gift. As you all know, one person's vision can impact and change the life of many when the pieces are put into place and set in motion. I did create an additional post on Worksmarter4u if you are interested. ( My best to each and everyone of you during this joyful time of year - Merry Christmas ~ Rick p.s. It costs nothing to create your profile and access Ted (your personal virtual assistant) ... pretend your Nike and 'just do it'... Trust me on this 😉 #twelvedaysofChristmas #sixthdayofChristmas

Monday, December 18, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, on the Fifth Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ On the 5th Day ... This time of year many often look back at their accomplishments, failures, missed opportunities, and ways they could have made their life easier or better. An age-old tradition is having a New Years' Resolution, but why wait for a New Year to start something that we can start working on now? Why not finish 2023 strong? I wanted to share a powerful concept that was shared with me courtesy of Bob Proctor and PGI and associates. This concept is from the "Law of Thinking" from Raymond Holliwell ... “All failures in life are due to taking sides with the finite around us. All success in life is due to taking sides with the Law within us.” “Life, with all its attributes of good, is something that doesn’t just happen to touch a fortunate few. It is something you must create. It is something you must plan, mentally picture and think about. You who are seeking love, fortune, happiness, and success must understand that it is not something you can find, you cannot buy it nor borrow it from another. No one can give it to you; you must create it within yourself.” “Now our method is not manipulating two powers, good and evil. We’ve got to create. The mind force is creating continually like fertile soil. Nature does not differentiate between the seed of the weed and that of the flower. She produces and causes both seeds to grow.” What are you thinking about? Because you have to create the love, the happiness, the wealth—you’ve got to create it within yourself. It starts with your thinking. ~ I think the most compelling part of what Bob shared, and why I am sharing it with you is the first quote regarding all 'failures' and all 'success' in life ... Success comes when you focus on what "you" envision, how you think about it and how you implement the steps in order to reach your goals and dreams. Put more power behind your focused energy and it will shorten the manifestation of the idea(s) you have. We have to discipline ourselves to focus on the good that we desire - which may sound simple, but is often a difficult task. This is a nice lead into something I will share on the '6th Day of Christmas' - which will include a video on how someone's dream will literally pay you to take action ...But you will have to watch the video tomorrow. My very best to everyone for an amazing start to your week ~ Rick
For more information on 'Six Minutes to Success'

Sunday, December 17, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, On the fourth day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas - on the 4th Day ... One of the many great lessons I learned from Bob Proctor comes from a chapter from his book "You Were Born Rich". This may have been more fitting for the 3rd day of Christmas, but I wanted to share it with everyone so that they would have the ability to download the ebook version of the book as well. On page 187 of You Were Born Rich, Bob explains the 333 idea. How 2 men were able to raise 3 million dollars in 3 hours 3 days after they thought of the idea. Reading those few pages where he tells the story, will give everyone a different perspective on how you look at things, and how you approach tasks, ideas, and even dreams that you might have. Most often we think 'that is not possible' or 'I wish I could do that' - but the short story he shares in his book will give you a new perspective on how you approach challenges or things that you would like to accomplish. If you are interested in downloading the ebook* and reading that story visit our "Special Offers" section on Worksmarter4u. There is no sign up or login involved in order to access. Wishing everyone my very best for an enjoyable rest of your weekend ~ Rick (*eBook courtesy of Bob Proctor and the Proctor Gallagher Institute.)

Saturday, December 16, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas, On the third day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas - on the third day of Christmas... Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the third day ... We will start the third day with a famous quote from Bernard Shaw. Earl Nightingale mentioned this quote in 'The Strangest Secret' and often has been shared by Bob Proctor in his mentoring and training as well. "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."~ George Bernard Shaw A very powerful statement, in which each of us should reflect on if we are not in the 'right circumstance' or if we are aware that we can do better. This is courtesy of PGI and part of their 'Six Minutes To Success' program. It is a part of the "Working with the forgotten laws" portion of their training: "A fatalistic belief is contagious and when man submits to its influence, believing that the circumstances around him are stronger than the power within him, that person is defeated before the race is run. In the history of the race and the biography of man, there is a long list of evidence of man overcoming circumstance and meeting his problems of life. Evolution and anthropology alike furnish the truth that man is responsible for what he is. He has power to control his circumstances and, by using this power, he has created other circumstances more necessary in his upward climb." This coincides with the concept and the message Bernard Shaw was trying to convey. As part of this incredible, magical time of year, I wanted to do a giveaway ... this post will be on a few social media platforms, but for anyone that comments, they will be entered into a drawing for a copy of "The Secret of Think And Grow Rich" ... for those of you who have read it, you know how powerful 'Think and Grow Rich' is. For those that have not - this book will give you a condensed version, however I still encourage everyone to read the full version. So just comment below and on Christmas Eve I will draw a name from all that participated and I will send you a copy 😊 My very best to you for a Happy and Joyful Holiday Season! ~ Rick

Friday, December 15, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On The Second Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas ~ on the Second Day of Christmas ... I believe every one of us, deep down, really wants to be something more than what we are (or perceived to be) in our daily lives. Although the phrase 'that's just how it is' or thinking that 'these are the cards life dealt me' may cross our mind, we do have the ability to make that change. I'm a firm believer in it's never too late and each day brings a new opportunity to start making that change... So today we have a quote from 'Joseph Campbell' ..."You must be willing to leave the life you've planned in order to find the one that is waiting for you." Many live a life, a career, or stay where they are because of comfort or how others have guided them into living a life or doing something that they really do not want to do ... in other words, they are living someone else's dream, not their own. So this affirmation is one from, Bob Proctor, who I would consider my true mentor, even now that he is gone. He has impacted my life in more ways than I can count. "I am a person of passion and commitment I Succeed because I am dedicated to achievement. I reject mediocrity and I'm willing to stick with things until I prosper - because I am passionate about myself and my potential!" So hopefully today's bit of insight will make a difference ... Tomorrow I am hoping to share a short video, that will definitely be worth the time to watch 😉😊🙋‍♂️ As always - my very best to everyone in all that you do! Merry Christmas ~ Rick Worksmarter4u Silver And Gold Solutions

Thursday, December 14, 2023

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On The First Day of Christmas

The Twelve Days of Christmas - On the first day of Christmas This time of year is a very special time of year, regardless of where you are in the world. In helping to make this Christmas and Holiday season a little brighter I wanted to share the 'Twelve Days of Christmas'from our Worksmarter4u and Silver and Gold Solutions division. Over the course of the next 12 days leading up to Christmas I will be sharing something each day with everyone. As many of you know I daily try to learn something new that I try to implement into either my business or in my personal daily life. These may be affirmations, insight from mentors, or personal development tips that I personally have used. To start off, The First Day will be a simple affirmation - however if you keep it in mind in your daily activities, it will make a difference in your life: “I am responsible for my life, for my feelings and for every result that I get” This is courtesy of PGI's* 'Responsibility' principle from the '12 Principles for Winning the Mind Game'. On some days I will also have free/complimentary things to share which may include a short video and free giveaways. I hope you enjoy and I will be back tomorrow 😉 ~ Rick CEO Worksmarter4u Founder Silver And Gold Solutions *Note: 12 Principles for Winning the Mind Game is courtesy of PGI (Proctor Gallagher Institute) which was part of their Six Minutes to Success program we participated in.